Mobile Clinic
The Rolling Unit Mobile Clinic is a fully equipped, high-tech mobile healthcare unit designed to deliver essential medical services directly to communities, events, remote work sites, and disaster areas.
Mobile Cancer Screening
In the fight against cancer, early detection can save lives. Rolling Unit’s expandable mobile cancer screening units are designed to bring critical healthcare services directly to the communities that need them most.
Mobile Eye Clinic
The Rolling Unit Mobile Eye Clinic is a state-of-the-art mobile facility designed to deliver comprehensive vision and eye health services directly to communities, schools, and workplaces.
Imaging Vehicle
The Rolling Unit Imaging Vehicle is a state-of-the-art mobile diagnostic facility designed to bring essential imaging services directly to communities, clinics, and emergency sites.
First Treatment
The Rolling Unit First Treatment is a specialized mobile unit designed to provide immediate, on-site first aid and urgent care. This unit delivers essential medical services where they’re most needed.
Mobile Blood Collection
Rolling Unit’s expandable mobile blood collection units are designed to help blood banks and hospitals expand their donor base by bringing donation drives directly to the communities that need them most.